When we were born world conspired in against us, all thing stopped for us, and the comfortable world start, our moms dont let us play with our environment they are always worried for us, if our be running, they always be there for us, if our falling they help us to get up, and of this way we grow, when pass a pair of years, arrived a new world where you move or you die, in this moment, all have us two options, be employee or enterpreneur... if your choice is the first option, my friend, thanks for read me, but here is the end of an amazing history for you, for the other people that " I consider you of mine " they know what is love something and believe in intangible with more faith that any person.
Be independent is more than not having a boss, be independent is love that you do, and know that all your efforts are for some good in a some not far future, but also is have a life style that at first is nothing easy, you have htat really work (work very hard) for your livelihood, this mean that you don´t have privileges as lets go to party every weekend, go to cine, go to travel and even not having a couple ( or less stable ), on the contrary you have to work more of 12 hour daily, without important if is monday or sunday, for your love dont have schedule, what you love is always on line, if you understand it, you can visualize a big and amazing panorama of possibilities for improve your life, give a first step is not easy, but for your tranquility this is normal, the enterpreneur life is like that, for everything security and don't have any risk the best is be employee, and again if this is your option, your reading ended.
Freelancer or entrepreneur is a good option of life, is the way as you build a big castle, rock over rock with your own hands, beating obstacles, and proving that anything is possible, when you do it, you never will want to change your life style, if you are autodidact person, the world is for you.
Be better and improve day to day is one of things that help you to obtain your personal and professional goals, in a big community as internet you can learn of million of people, the collaborative spirit is present is major percent of the people on network, and sharing your knowledge with other person that need and want to know new things that you know will do that all person have opportunities and will improve world.
I want to join Toptal Web Engineering Network because is a good opportunity of grow professionally, improve and do what I love, I like the idea of belong to a network of talent person, and can contribute with my knowledge
Be independent is more than not having a boss, be independent is love that you do, and know that all your efforts are for some good in a some not far future, but also is have a life style that at first is nothing easy, you have htat really work (work very hard) for your livelihood, this mean that you don´t have privileges as lets go to party every weekend, go to cine, go to travel and even not having a couple ( or less stable ), on the contrary you have to work more of 12 hour daily, without important if is monday or sunday, for your love dont have schedule, what you love is always on line, if you understand it, you can visualize a big and amazing panorama of possibilities for improve your life, give a first step is not easy, but for your tranquility this is normal, the enterpreneur life is like that, for everything security and don't have any risk the best is be employee, and again if this is your option, your reading ended.
Freelancer or entrepreneur is a good option of life, is the way as you build a big castle, rock over rock with your own hands, beating obstacles, and proving that anything is possible, when you do it, you never will want to change your life style, if you are autodidact person, the world is for you.
Be better and improve day to day is one of things that help you to obtain your personal and professional goals, in a big community as internet you can learn of million of people, the collaborative spirit is present is major percent of the people on network, and sharing your knowledge with other person that need and want to know new things that you know will do that all person have opportunities and will improve world.
I want to join Toptal Web Engineering Network because is a good opportunity of grow professionally, improve and do what I love, I like the idea of belong to a network of talent person, and can contribute with my knowledge